Monday, May 18, 2009


Well I haven't been using my blog as I should so here's the update...I'm working things up with my hubby, I moved to Ohio to get a fresh start at life. This is gonna be interesting I just met my sisters for the first time and two seem really sweet the other one I haven't had much time with because she was hosting a bday party for her little girl. We sold the house so that is behind us now WOOHOO. I don't know what this all has in store for me but hopefully it's all good. My roomie ended up being a complete B*tch...she is doing highschool things and yet shes older then me...I hate people like that, people who have to all be in the spotlight, its all about them. Well she is a conartist and a lair and those kind of people I don't need in my life so i kicked her to the curb. To tell you how evil this person is...she faked a rape. How do I know this you may ask, she said she filed a police report (I called she didn't) and the fact the rapist was a dear friend of mine I confronted him...he said they did do it but she got mad when he wanted nothing further with her in that way...ohh by the way she is dating someoen, suppose to be getting married (if that has any truth to it). That kind of person is not worth my time and hopefully her boyfriend sees this all soon enough before he makes a mistake cause she will robb him blind. I know I may sound bitter or watever but this guy is a really decent guy shes with and if you ask me he deserves MUCH better then a conartist. Anywho I have nothing more to say I'm done ranting for now.

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