Sunday, August 30, 2009

The newest and the greatest...NOT!

Well well, I finally moved into my own place...My job is the best I've ever had...I love it. I love being here but I'm a little confused as to were to be at this moment, Ohio I'm moving forward in Texas well I have my family there and it's hard my husband wants to be with me but can't move up here and I don't want to move back to Texas because this place seems to be good for me. I have no clue what to do or how to do it all I can do is keep doing it. I've met interesting people up here and they are great to hang out with but I have that longing for my husband...I can handle things on my own, I've been given that strength but I want Gary in the passenger side holding up his end of the job driving through this with me. I've really come into my own now...part of me says that Gary is not for me anymore that I've change another part says that's the one I was spent to spend the rest of my life rather he gets his act together will be the key to rather we will truly work. I've got my sh*t almost together but I want him to get his together too so we can be a family. I can truly say that I have changed for the better I'm still a little emotional at times but I'm getting stronger by the day. I don't need a man to support me I'm doing very well on my own, I've think a little more highly of myself and I'm working on making my self heathier and better over all so people eat your heart out! lol Anywho I am done for now and I promise I will keep updating alot sooner then I have been.

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